Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ 6 vials pack


Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ reprograms the cat’s innate immunity, improves and restores quality of life, returning the cat to a healthy and happy self.

Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ is formulated exclusively for cats as a 2 mg/mL solution of phosphorylated polyprenols. Each vial contains 10mL of Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ and is offered in 10 mL vials or in packs of 6 x 10 mL vials (available as single pack, 2-packs and 5-packs).

Prescription information: We require a filled order form or a prescription from your treating veterinarian. If you need Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ urgently and cannot get the signed order form or prescription from your veterinarian immediately, you may still proceed with your order. Please follow the procedure described in the Prescription tab on this page.
By checking the box below, you agree to provide us with the required information.

SKU: VI-PI-6-vial-pack Category:


Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ is manufactured by Sass & Sass, Inc. It is a very safe, well-tolerated oral liquid designed with cats in mind.

Additional information

Pack quantity

1-pack, 2-packs, 5-packs


First-time customers

Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™(PI, PPI) is a medication that requires a prescription.
If you need Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ urgently and cannot get the signed order form or prescription from your veterinarian immediately, you may still proceed with your order. Select the size (vials or packs) and quantity and add to your cart. When done shopping, please fill out your pet and veterinarian information at checkout. This gives us the preliminary information we need to process your order without delay. By placing the order, you agree to supply us with a valid Rx.

Send us your Rx

If you already have a filled order form or a prescription from your treating veterinarian, please send it to us right away.
If you don’t have the filled Rx yet, your veterinarian can  fill out our Veterinarian Online Rx Form on your behalf.
Alternatively, you can download our order form, fill it, have it signed by your veterinarian, and send it to us. We will also accept a regular prescription from your treating veterinarian.

How/where to send your Rx:
Send it as digital format (pdf, scan or photo) to this email
Fax it to us at 1-865-940-0042
Send postal mail to our address: VetImmune® • P.O. BOX 205 • Kingston, TN 37763

Returning Customers:

If you have already placed orders with VetImmune and we have your prescription on file, you can proceed with your order without repeating the process.


How much Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ you need to order depends on your cat’s condition:

Your veterinarian has advised you on the dosage of PI based on cat’s condition. Please use our calculators to get the suggested dosage. Always follow the guidance of your veterinarian for the appropriate dosage for your cat.
For FVR/URI treatment, please use the FVR calculator. For Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), please use your veterinarian’s advice and Dr. Legendre’s trials. Our FIP calculator is based on Dr. Legendre’s research. Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ is sold by vials or packs. When placing your order, please make sure to select vials or packs to suit your needs.

FVR Dosage Calculator FIP Dosage Calculator



Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ is formulated as a 2 mg/mL solution of phosphorylated polyprenols and is offered in 10 mL vials or in packs of 6 x 10 mL vials.

Developed, patented and manufactured in the USA from US-sourced raw materials by Sass & Sass, Inc.

Safety Information

Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ is a very safe product which has been tested and used by now in thousands of cats in 42+ countries with no reports of adverse effects.

Safety studies were conducted in 390 cats located in 10 states, from single- and multiple-cat environments. The cats belonged to private owners, rescuers, breeders, or resided in sanctuaries and shelters. The cats’ ages ranged from 2 days up to 17 years, and about half of all cats were pedigreed and belonged to 7 registered breeds.

Oral application of 0.5 mg/kg Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ twice daily for 15 days was safe for cats on the study. No adverse events were reported, albeit cats may not like the taste, or the smell. No adverse events were noted in the test when five cats were given 10x of the therapeutic dose (5 mg/kg) of Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™.

In multiple tests with mice, 100x therapeutic doses of Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ have been used, and those caused no adverse effects either.

Current Serial

Polyprenyl Immunostimulant™ current serial: now distributing serial with expiration date June 2025.

Video Tutorials

Watch our video tutorials  for instructions how to give PI to your cat, and how to use the needle free vial adaptor.